Continuous Purification from Flow Chemistry Systems with In-Line Flash Chromatography

Recorded June 15, 2022.
Join Christopher Thomson, Researcher at Heriot-Watt University, as he shares his work expanding the tool kit of automated flow synthesis with the development of in-line flash chromatography purification.
In this webinar, you will learn:
- An introduction to flow chemistry and in-line purification technologies.
- An overview of prior continuous chromatography methods, their advantages and limitations.
- How to interface flow reactors with puriFlash automated chromatography systems.
- ‘Tips & Tricks’ for performing continuous in-line flash chromatography.
- Future prospects for developing in-line flash chromatography.
Chris completed his chemistry with biochemistry degree (MChem, 1st Class) at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, in 2018 and was recipient of the ‘William H. Perkin Prize’ for excellence in organic chemistry. He was then awarded a PhD scholarship through the EPSRC funded centre for doctoral training in critical resource catalysis (CRITICAT), under the joint supervision of Dr Filipe Vilela and Dr Ai-Lan Lee.
Chris’ research focuses on the development and implementation of enabling technologies – especially flow chemistry – to enhance heterogeneous photocatalysis for organic synthesis.
He has published several papers on the development of flow systems featuring enabling technologies, such as: in-line NMR spectroscopy, in-line UV-Vis. spectroscopy, static mixing photocatalyst monoliths produced via functional material additive manufacturing, and most recently, reported the first example of continuous in-line flash chromatography – which will be the subject of this webinar.