Intelligent Flash Purification: TLC Guided Purification and Mass Spectrometry

The combination of the Advion Interchim Scientific expression® CMS and puriFlash® flash chromatography technologies speed up the synthesis, purification and characterization of a compound.
Using the Advion Interchim Scientific expression® Compact Mass Spectrometer, the Plate Express™ TLC Plate reader, the ASAP® Atmospheric Solids Analysis Probe, and the puriFlash® XS520 flash purification system, it is now possible to execute a fast, user-friendly workflow to run TLC, harness the power of your cell phone to develop a flash method, and finally utilize a simple dipping probe to confirm fractions in seconds.
With easy sampling techniques, intuitive software, and advanced detection technology, you can easily and confidently synthesize, purify and characterize your compound, in a flash.