University of Hull, Archibald Group


A: As part of the Archibald research group our main research area is developing radiopharmaceutical compounds for medical imaging and targeted protein binding molecules for therapeutic applications.

Specifically, I am working on synthesising radiotracers to target the CXCR4 chemokine receptor which has been shown to be overexpressed in 23 different types of cancer.


A: The expression CMS was purchased as we are a large research group and it is more cost and time effective to be able to carry out rapid MS analysis in situ for some sample and to use the University’s analytical service only for more complex analyses that are less time sensitive. The expression CMS fits nicely onto the bench top, performs all the functions needed for general day to day use, and is easy to use and maintain.


A: We use the expression CMS to monitor chemical reactions, check for by-products and gauge the purity of our products. We have the TLC-MS interface which is extremely useful in identifying compounds straight from the TLC plate. Personally, I have used the expression CMS to examine fractions from a column to identify exactly when my product was being eluted, which would not have been possible previously. Purchasing the expression CMS has undoubtedly saved our group a great deal of time and has helped advance our research.

Using Compact Mass Spectrometry for Detection and Quantitation of Cannibis-Related Compounds
Jul 01, 2015
By Daniel Eikel, Simon J. Prosser, Jack D. Henion
Issue 7, pg 20–27

The transition of cannabis from an illegal drug to a drug for medical and even recreational use raises challenging questions for regulatory agencies and analytical chemists alike. Here, we show a selection of analytical techniques based on compact mass spectrometry (MS) in combination with three different sample inlets (atmospheric solids analysis probe, thin-layer chromatography [TLC], and classical liquid chromatography [LC]) for the detection and quantification of cannabinoids and pesticides in cannabis-related material and contraband.

Thin-Layer Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry Analysis of Sample Mixtures Using a Compact Mass Spectrometer

There have been a few reports on thin layer chromatography/mass spectrometry (TLC/MS) and thin layer chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry (TLC/MS/MS). The merits of TLC/MS (i.e., without MS/MS or high-resolution mass measurement) include lower-cost mass spectrometers, ease of operation and molecular weight (MW) information when applicable. TLC/MS/MS offers additional benefits, but requires more expensive instrumentation and more challenging operational requirements.

This article describes the direct coupling of TLC plates or other planar surfaces to a compact, single-quadrupole mass spectrometer that can provide routine electrospray ionization (ESI) or atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) in both the positive and negative ionization modes.

Direct Mass Analysis of TLC Plates

Plate Express is a device that provides a simple, automated means of obtaining mass spectra directly from TLC plates, creating a technique known as TLC/MS. Combined with Advion Interchim Scientific’s expression® Compact Mass Spectrometer (CMS) this becomes TLC/CMS. Using this technique chemists can quickly and confidently identify products even in complex mixtures without additional sample preparation.

Suzuki Reaction Monitoring Using Compact Mass Spectrometry with TLC Interface

This application note presents an online thin-layer chromatography (TLC)/CMS technique using the Advion Interchim Scientific expression® compact mass spectrometer (CMS) and Plate Express interface to provide compound structural information without sample preparation after TLC separation. A Suzuki reaction for the synthesis of 4-aminobiphenyl will be demonstrated. The online TLC/CMS technique provides rapid and accurate determination of reaction mixture components without the need for off-line TLC sample preparation procedures.

Natural Product Analysis Using Compact Mass Spectrometry with Polarity Switching and In-source CID

Natural products, the underlying active components and their use in traditional medicine are of increased interest in the field of pharmaceutical research. The naturally occurring active ingredients are ideal chemical starting structures to improve upon in the  pharmaceutical drug development process and consequently half of all currently approved  drugs in the US are based on natural products. It is therefore not surprising that natural product analysis is a field of major interest world wide. Here, we present a simple example  of the added benefits of mass spectrometry in typical natural product analysis workflows based on an alcoholic extract of nutmeg.

The expression compact mass spectrometer (CMS) is a novel high performance, easy-to-use single quadrupole mass spectrometer with enhanced scan speed and the ability for on-line polarity switching and in-source fragmentation.

THC Plant Material Analysis Using Compact Mass Spectrometry for Product Control and Law Enforcement of cannabis-related Plant Products

Analysis of the active components of the cannabis sativa plant is required both for law enforcement where these compounds are illegal and also as a tool for product control and optimization in the increasing number of legal markets for cannabis plant products. Whenever simple, unequivocal and legally defensible  analysis methods for the detection and quantification of plant  metabolites are required, mass spectrometry is the detector of  choice.

Here, we present two simple workflows for the analysis of cannabinoids such as the naturally occuring cannabinol (CBN), the psychoactive ingredient of cannabis sativa,  tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and the degradation product cannabidiol (CBD). Both TLC/FIA/CMS for qualitative detection  of cannabinoids, as well as HPLC/CMS for the quantitative determination of THC demonstrate the added benefit of compact mass spectrometry in the analysis of natural products.

expression® CMS: Mass Spectrometers Designed for Chemists

With decades of mass spectrometry and chemistry expertise, Advion Interchim Scientific has produced a family of compact mass spectrometers designed for the chemist. The affordability, small size and ease of use make them ideal for use directly at the chemist’s bench, giving immediate answers and informed decisions instead of waiting.

The Advion Interchim Scientific expression® compact mass spectrometer (CMS) is a fast and easy analytical tool for the organic chemist. Ideal for fast reaction monitoring, the expression® CMS features a single quadrupole that can adapt to multiple ionization sources in seconds, including both ESI and APCI. The mass spectrometer works in a variety of applications, including food and beverage, pharmaceutical, biomedical, peptides and proteins, drug discovery and more. The expression® CMS offers a variety of novel sampling techniques, including:

  • Direct mass analysis of TLC plates in 30 seconds at the push of a button with Plate Express
  • One-touch analysis of solids and liquid samples with the ASAP® probe
  • LC/CMS
  • Many more options and configurations to suit your needs

Learn more about the different sample techniques available with the expression® CMS, including fast assay methods for liquids, solids, gases, and even air-sensitive compounds.

Fill out the form to download the full expression® CMS brochure now.

Utilizing a novel compact mass spectrometer (CMS) for the detection and quantification of chemical compounds related to cannabis

Regardless of the legal status of cannabis and its chemical compounds, both the quality control in legal markets as well as the law enforcement of it’s illegal status require simple, unequivocal and legally defendable analysis methods for the detection and quantification of its major chemical compounds.

Whenever a detector of high selectivity and sensitivity is required, a mass spectrometry based analysis workflow is usually the method of choice and we here demonstrate the analysis of delta9-Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), Canabidiol (CBD) and Canabinol (CBN) utilizing a novel compact mass spectrometer (expression-S, Advion, NY) coupled to ultra-high performance liquid chromatography (UHPLC) or thin layer chromatography (TLC).

Register to download the presentation featured at ASMS 2014.