Authors: Regensburg University Hospital, European Molecular Biology Laboratory, Germany; University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Lipidomics data require consideration of ions with near-identical masses, which comprises among others the Type-II isotopic overlap. This overlap occurs in series of lipid species differing only by number of double bonds (DBs) mainly because of the natural abundance of 13C-atoms. High-resolution mass spectrometry, such as Fourier-transform mass spectrometry (FTMS), is capable of resolving Type-II overlap depending on mass resolving power. In this work, we evaluated FTMS quantification accuracy of lipid species affected by Type-II overlap. Spike experiments with lipid species pairs of various lipid classes were analyzed by flow injection analysis-FTMS. Accuracy of quantification was evaluated without and with Type-II correction (using relative isotope abundance) as well as utilizing the first isotopic peak (M+1). Isobaric peaks, which were sufficiently resolved, were most accurate without Type-II correction. In cases of partially resolved peaks, we observed peak interference causing distortions in mass and intensity, which is a well-described phenomenon in FTMS. Concentrations of respective species were more accurate when calculated from M+1. Moreover, some minor species, affected by considerable Type-II overlap, could only be quantified by M+1. Unexpectedly, even completely unresolved peaks were substantially overcorrected by Type-II correction because of peak interference. The described method was validated including intraday and interday precisions for human serum and fibroblast samples. Taken together, our results show that accurate quantification of lipid species by FTMS requires resolution-depended data analysis.
Samples were infused using the Advion Interchim Scientific® TriVersa NanoMate®.
Authors: University of Graz, BioTechMed-Graz, Austria; Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Germany
Triacylglycerol (TG) and steryl ester (SE) lipid storage is a universal strategy to maintain organismal energy and membrane homeostasis. Cycles of building and mobilizing storage fat are fundamental in (re)distributing lipid substrates between tissues or to progress ontogenetic transitions. In this study, we show that Hormone-sensitive lipase (Hsl) specifically controls SE mobilization to initiate intergenerational sterol transfer in Drosophila melanogaster. Tissue-autonomous Hsl functions in the maternal fat body and germline coordinately prevent adult SE overstorage and maximize sterol allocation to embryos. While Hsl-deficiency is largely dispensable for normal development on sterol-rich diets, animals depend on adipocyte Hsl for optimal fecundity when dietary sterol becomes limiting. Notably, accumulation of SE but not of TG is a characteristic of Hsl-deficient cells across phyla including murine white adipocytes. In summary, we identified Hsl as an ancestral regulator of SE degradation, which improves intergenerational sterol transfer and reproductive success in flies.
Nano-ESI analysis was performed by chip-based infusion using the Advion Interchim Scientific® TriVersa NanoMate®.
Authors: Heinrich Pette Institute – Leibniz Institute for Experimental Virology, European XFEL GmbH, Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien), Indiana University, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Bernard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine and German Center for Infection Research
Noroviruses cause immense sporadic gastroenteritis outbreaks worldwide. Emerging genotypes, which are divided based on the sequence of the major capsid protein VP1, further enhance this public threat. Self-assembling properties of the human norovirus major capsid protein VP1 are crucial for using virus-like particles (VLPs) for vaccine development. However, there is no vaccine available yet. Here, VLPs from different variants produced in insect cells were characterized in detail using a set of biophysical and structural tools. We used native mass spectrometry, gas-phase electrophoretic mobility molecular analysis, and proteomics to get clear insights into particle size, structure, and composition, as well as stability. Generally, noroviruses have been known to form mainly T = 3 particles. Importantly, we identified a major truncation in the capsid proteins as a likely cause for the formation of T = 1 particles. For vaccine development, particle production needs to be a reproducible, reliable process. Understanding the underlying processes in capsid size variation will help to produce particles of a defined capsid size presenting antigens consistent with intact virions. Next to vaccine production itself, this would be immensely beneficial for bio-/nano-technological approaches using viral particles as carriers or triggers for immunological reactions.
This publication features the Advion TriVersa NanoMate® as an automated nano-ESI source for CDMS measurements.
University of North Texas, Huazhong Agricultural University, Heinrich Heine University, University of Goettingen, Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics & Crop Plant Research, USDA-ARS
Seeds of the desert shrub, jojoba (Simmondsia chinensis), are an abundant, renewable source of liquid wax esters, which are valued additives in cosmetic products and industrial lubricants. Jojoba is relegated to its own taxonomic family, and there is little genetic information available to elucidate its phylogeny. Here, we report the high-quality, 887-Mb genome of jojoba assembled into 26 chromosomes with 23,490 protein-coding genes. The jojoba genome has only the whole-genome triplication (γ) shared among eudicots and no recent duplications. These genomic resources coupled with extensive transcriptome, proteome, and lipidome data helped to define heterogeneous pathways and machinery for lipid synthesis and storage, provided missing evolutionary history information for this taxonomically segregated dioecious plant species, and will support efforts to improve the agronomic properties of jojoba.
NanoESI-MS/MS and UPLC-nanoESI-MS/MS methods using the Advion TriVersa NanoMate were used to analyze triacylglycerols from jojoba.
Shanghai University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
The 5α-reductase converts testosterone to dihydrotestosterone (DHT), and excess DHT could cause androgen-related diseases such as androgenetic alopecia and benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). To discover new 5α-reductase inhibitors, effective drug screening method with high throughput is thus essential. In this study, fully automated chip-based nanoelectrospray ionization-mass spectrometry (nano-ESI-MS) was innovatively utilized as a screening tool for 5α-reductase inhibitory assay in direct infusion mode, which simplified sample pretreatment and greatly improved experimental efficiency. The preliminary data indicated that curcumin, a natural anti-inflammatory compound, exhibited notably 5α-reductase inhibition activity. Moreover, the obtained results of the chip-based nano-ESI-MS were well consistent with those of HPLC-MS, which suggested that the chip-based nano-ESI-MS could be treated as a rapid and high-throughput drugs screening strategy in pharmaceutical development.
The Advion TriVersa NanoMate nanoelectrospray ionization technology was selected as the ion source for its long, stable spray capabilities ideal for lipid analysis.
Cold atmospheric plasma (CAP) is an emerging source for the locally defined delivery of reactive species, and its clinical potential has been identified in the control of inflammatory processes, such as acute and chronic wounds, or cancerous lesions. Lipids, due to their localization and chemical structure as ideal targets for oxidative species, are relevant modifiers of physiological processes. Human forehead lipids collected on a target were treated by an argon plasma jet and immediately analyzed by direct-infusion high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry (DI-MS2) or liquid chromatography-tandem MS (RP-LC/MS2). Subsequent data analysis was performed by LipidHunter (University of Leipzig), LipidXplorer (Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics, Dresden), and LipidSearch (TS). With either MS method, all major lipid classes of sebum lipids were detected. Significant differences regarding triacylglycerols (predominantly identified in RP-LC/MS2) and ceramides (predominantly identified in DI-MS2) indicate experimental- or approach-inherent distinctions. A CAP-driven oxidation of triacyclglycerols, ceramides, and cholesteryl esters was detected such as truncations and hydroperoxylations, but at a significantly lower extent than expected. Scavenging of reactive species due to naturally present antioxidants in the samples and the absence of a liquid interphase to allow reactive species deposition by the CAP will have contributed to the limited amount of oxidation products observed. In addition, limitations of the software’s capability of identifying unexpected oxidized lipids potentially led to an underestimation of the CAP impact on skin lipids, indicating a need for further software development. With respect to the clinical application of CAP, the result indicates that intact skin with its sebum/epidermal lipid overlay is well protected and that moderate treatment will yield limited (if any) functional consequences in the dermal tissue.
Authentic historic manuscripts fetch high sums, but establishing their authenticity is challenging, relies on a host of stylistic clues and requires expert knowledge. High resolution mass spectrometry has not, until now, been applied to guide the authentication of historic manuscripts. Robert Burns is a well-known Scottish poet, whose fame, and the eponymous ‘Burns Night’ are celebrated world-wide. Authenticity of his works is complicated by the ‘industrial’ production of fakes by Alexander Smith in the 1890s, many of which were of good quality and capable of fooling experts. This study represents the first analysis of the inks and paper used in Burns poetry, in a minimally destructive manner that could find application in many areas. Applying direct infusion mass spectrometry to a panel of selected authenticated Burns and Smith manuscripts, we have produced a Support Vector Machine classifier that distinguishes Burns from Smith with a 0.77 AUC. Using contemporary recipes for inks, we were also able to match features of each to the inks used to produce some of Burns’ original manuscripts. We anticipate the method and classifier having broad application in authentication of manuscripts, and our analysis of contemporary inks to provide insights into the production of written works of art.
ABSTRACT: Large-scale metabolic profiling requires the development of novel economical high-throughput analytical methods to facilitate characterization of systemic metabolic variation in population phenotypes. We report a fit-forpurpose direct infusion nanoelectrospray high-resolution mass spectrometry (DI-nESI-HRMS) method with time-of-flight detection for rapid targeted parallel analysis of over 40 urinary metabolites. The newly developed 2 min infusion method requires <10 μL of urine sample and generates high-resolution MS profiles in both positive and negative polarities, enabling further data mining and relative quantification of hundreds of metabolites. Here we present optimization of the DI-nESI-HRMS method in a detailed step-by-step guide and provide a workflow with rigorous quality assessment for large-scale studies.
From the Journal of Proteome Research, Published February 2017