The compound synthesis, purification, and confirmation processes often present challenges. From ensuring successful synthesis of your product, setting up a flash purification method, and finally confirming ID of fractions, the lengthy workflow can be time consuming and repetitive. This webinar will provide a foundation for flash purification processes and will showcase a novel workflow concept that breaks down the process into easy steps for optimal success. We will offer tips to optimize each essential segment of the workflow, and share seamless steps to quickly and easily drive the process from reaction monitoring to flash purification and fraction ID.
Presented by Chase Needham, Application Scientist—Flash and Prep LC
Advion Interchim Scientific. This webinar was hosted by Lab Manager and recorded 9/30/21.
The combination of the Advion Interchim Scientific expression® CMS and puriFlash®flash chromatography technologies speed up the synthesis, purification and characterization of a compound.
Using the Advion Interchim Scientific expression®Compact Mass Spectrometer, the Plate Express™ TLC Plate reader, the ASAP® Atmospheric Solids Analysis Probe, and the puriFlash®XS520 flash purification system, it is now possible to execute a fast, user-friendly workflow to run TLC, harness the power of your cell phone to develop a flash method, and finally utilize a simple dipping probe to confirm fractions in seconds.
With easy sampling techniques, intuitive software, and advanced detection technology, you can easily and confidently synthesize, purify and characterize your compound, in a flash.
The combination of the Advion Interchim Scientific® expression® CMS puriFlash® flash chromatography technologies speed up the synthesis, purification and characterization of a compound.