Review new data and tips for using the Advion Interchim Scientific SOLATION® inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) in the cannabis and hemp testing lab, and factors that affect heavy metals in cannabis and hemp.
This ebook was created with Spectroscopy and released June 2020.
In this study, we used the Advion Interchim Scientific SOLATION® ICP-MS and a microwave digestion system to digest and analyze hemp samples using the validation methods described in USP General Chapter <233>. The sensitivity, ability to handle complex matrices, and the ability to remove interferences with a helium collision cell makes this the ideal system for heavy metal analysis in the cannabis industry.
In this application note you will learn:
- How the SOLATION® is an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer, the ultimate instrument for multi-elemental analysis, provides high sensitivity measurement of trace elements across a wide range of matrices.
- The advanced intuitive software including ICP-MS Express, Quant Express, and Data Express provides an instrument control framework with automated tuning processes while also simplifying the quantitative and post-analysis data processing.
- The results of hemp measurements in this note demonstrate that SOLATION® provides the required accuracy and sensitivity for heavy metal analysis in cannabis materials.
Introducing the new SOLATION® Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) – the ultimate instrument for multi-element analysis, the SOLATION® provides high sensitivity measurement of trace elements from a wide range of matrices including complex samples such as urine, serum, plasma, whole blood and tissue samples. Designed for ease of use, with intuitive software, the SOLATION® ICP-MS is the ideal instrument for environmental, pharmaceutical, food safety and clinical laboratories everywhere.
Fill out the form to download the full SOLATION® ICP-MS brochure now.