AVANT® HPLC & (U)HPLC Chromatography Systems

Providing simple, high-performance, LC/CMS with the expression® CMS

Modular, stackable design, with many options provides custom solutions for both HPLC and UHPLC needs. From the simplest manual injection HPLC to a fully automated, streamlined UHPLC system and everything in-between, the Avant series can be configured to fit your analytical requirements and your budget.

The AVANT® (U)HPLC series is the latest in Advion’s innovative line of sample inlet devices for the expression® CMS which include:

  • Plate Express® for automated mass assays from TLC plates
  • The ASAP® direct analysis probe for solid, liquid and even air sensitive samples using iASAP
  • vAPCI for analysis of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from head spaces, breath, and other gas samples.
  • Flow chemistry interfaces

All these techniques can be simply, simultaneously, interfaced with the CMS so that the chemist can move quickly and effortlessly between workflows.

Urinary Cortisol Quantitation Using Ultra High Pressure Liquid Chromatography/Compact Mass Spectrometry


Cortisol is an important steroid hormone produced from cholesterol in the adrenal cortex. Its secretion is closely regulated by the Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). Most cortisol is protein-bound and only unbound cortisol is excreted in urine. The measurement of cortisol in urine is typically used to diagnosis of Cushing’s syndrome, a disorder of hypercortisolism.

Although immunoassay methods have extremely high sensitivity, they are subject to variable interferences from other steroids and their conjugates. Liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry is used in clinical analysis because of its higher specificity and selectivity than immunoassay methods.

A simple and robust UHPLC/MS method using the Advion Interchim Scientific expression® Compact Mass Spectrometer (CMS) is introduced for urinary cortisol analysis and the dynamic range and sensitivity (LOD and LLOQ) of the UHPLC/CMS method will be evaluated.

Urinary Cortisol Quantitation Using Ultra High Pressure Liquid Chromatography/Compact Mass Spectrometry


Cortisol is an important steroid hormone produced from cholesterol in the adrenal cortex. Its secretion is closely regulated by Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH). Most cortisol is protein-bound, and only unbound cortisol is excreted in urine. Measurement of cortisol in urine is typically used in the diagnosis of Cushing’s syndrome, a disorder of hypercortisolism.

Although immunoassay methods have extremely high sensitivity, they are subject to variable interferences from other steroids and their conjugates. Liquid chromatography with tandem mass spectrometry is increasingly used in clinical analysis because of its higher specificity and selectivity than immunoassay methods. A simple and robust UHPLC/MS method will be introduced for urinary cortisol analysis and the dynamic range and sensitivity (LOD and LLOQ) of the UHPLC/CMS method will be evaluated.

LC/CMS Determination of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHS) in Water (EPA 610 Mix)

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) are neutral compounds containing multiple aromatic fused rings that are present in fossil fuels and can be formed from the incomplete combustion of organic material. In recent years, it has been well documented that several PAHs can be potentially carcinogenic via exposure or ingestion.

In this application note, we analyze 16 PAHs by LC/CMS (EPA 610 Mix) on the EPA priority target list using the Advion expression Compact Mass Spectrometer (CMS) coupled with the Advion AVANT UHPLC system. 

Peak Express: Software for the Synthetic Organic Chemist

Introducing a new type of mass spectrum, available exclusively in the Advion Peak Express software suite: the Delta Spectrum (ΔS). The ΔS is available with the expression® compact mass spectrometer (CMS) to look beyond chemical noise and automatically detect even the smallest peaks without knowing the m/z in advance.

With the Peak Express™ software featuring ΔS, you can:

  • Obtain clear detection of peaks without knowing their mass
  • Find adducts, dimers, fragments, side-reactions and other unexpected compounds at the click of a button, in real-time or with post-processing
  • Highlight minor components in complex mixtures and dirty matrices
  • Control mass-directed purification without providing the compound mass
  • Acquire XIC-quality data while scanning the entire mass range, allowing Peak Express to tell you the m/z

Advion Interchim Scientific’s AVANT® HPLC & UHPLC systems, providing simple, high-performance LC/CMS with the expression® CMS

Advion Interchim Scientific’s range of AVANT®, high performance, liquid chromatography systems can be used standalone with UV and UV/Vis detector options, or with the expression® compact mass spectrometer to provide seamlessly integrated LC/CMS under the full control of Advion Interchim Scientific’s simple, intuitive Mass Express software suite.

Modular, stackable design, with many options, provides custom solutions for both HPLC and UHPLC needs. From the simplest manual injection HPLC to a fully automated, streamlined UHPLC system and everything in-between, the AVANT® series can be configured to fit your analytical requirements and your budget.