Dr. Jack Henion presents the possibility of using the Advion Interchim Scientific expression® Compact Mass Spectrometer (CMS) for ‘roadside breath testing’ of THC DRUID (driving under the influence of drugs) with the use of a small plastic breath collection device from Breath Explor of Uppsala, Sweden. This device serves as a simple, acceptable collection device for individuals in contrast to venous puncture with a needle or other means of collecting a biological sample.
In this ASMS 2020 Reboot presentation, you will learn:
- Breath sample collection with the Breath Explor device
- The potential benefits and challenges of a roadside LC/CMS testing system including an automated robot for sample preparation with the Advion Interchim Scientific expression® CMS and Advion Interchim Scientific AVANT UHPLC
- The Advion LC/CMS system provides accurate and sensitive results when used to analyze breath samples for THC
Authors: Olof Beck2, Jack Henion1, Sabina Seferaj2, Peter Stamback3
1Advion, Inc., Ithaca, NY
2Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
3Breath Explore, Munkplast AB, Uppsala, Sweden
Patulin is a mycotoxin that is a common contaminant in food and animal feed, especially in apple products. The potential health risk of patulin to humans led to the establishment of action levels in foodstuffs.
The EU, WHO and US FDA defined maximum levels of patulin in fruit juices. The EU also has specific regulations for solid apple products and foods intended for infants and young children such as apple compote.
In this application note, a simple UHPLC/CMS method using the Advion Interchim Scientific AVANT® UHPLC and expression® Compact Mass Spectrometer (CMS) system is introduced for the analysis of patulin in apple juice and apple compotes.
The research presented in this application note was a poster presentation for ASMS 2020 Reboot.
Patulin is a mycotoxin that is a common contaminant in food and animal feed, especially in apple products. The potential health risk of patulin to humans led to the establishment of action levels in foodstuffs.
The EU, WHO and US FDA defined maximum levels of patulin in fruit juices. The EU also has specific regulations for solid apple products and foods intended for infants and young children such as apple compote.
In this poster, a simple UHPLC/CMS method using the Advion AVANT UHPLC and expression Compact Mass Spectrometer (CMS) system is introduced for the analysis of patulin in apple juice and apple compotes.
This poster was presented at the ASMS 2020 Reboot.
In this application note, the Advion expression® Compact Mass Spectrometer (CMS) coupled with the Advion AVANT™ UHPLC (LC/CMS) was used to measure the concentration of cannabinoids from commercially available CBD oils for a comparative test against the product labels.
The research in this application note was published in Cannabis Science & Technology Magazine May/June 2019 and presented at the 2019 Cannabis Science Conference East in Baltimore, MD.
Introducing a new way to analyze and present mass spectral data, the Advion Interchim Scientific® Peak Express® patented software uses the delta spectrum (ΔS) to quickly and automatically detect significant peaks within mass spectra based on their relative change in intensity over time instead of their absolute intensity.
- Find impurities and minor components that would otherwise be missed
- Find unknowns in complex samples such as natural products
- Automatically find adducts, dimers, fragments, side reactions, and other unexpected compounds in real time and post processing
- Control mass-directed purification without providing an exact mass
- Get extracted ion chromatogram (XIC) quality data while scanning the entire mass range
Thanks to the diminishing size and cost of mass spectrometers, coupled with their increasing robustness and ease of use, universities are now starting to furnish their undergraduate chemistry laboratories with this advanced analytic tool.
“My favorite learning environment is the laboratory,” explains Paul A. Flowers, professor of analytical chemistry at University of North Carolina at Pembroke. “I like teaching students fundamentals through bona fide research experiences.” Flowers began using mass spectrometry in the teaching laboratory about six years ago and hasn’t looked back.
Learn more about the integration of mass spectrometry for teaching with this free whitepaper.
We demonstrate a cost-effective UHPLC/CMS method for the analysis of chloramphenicol in milk with a detailed discussion of sensitivity, linear response range, carryover and robustness using the Advion expression® Compact Mass Spectrometer (CMS) and Advion AVANT™ UHPLC System.
This application note was adapted from a poster that was presented at the 2019 ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics in Atlanta, GA.
Using separation from the AVANT™ UHPLC system coupled to the expression® Compact Mass Spectrometer (CMS), cannabinoids from commercially available CBD oils are measured for concentration against product label claims for a comparative test.
This poster was presented at the 2019 Cannabis Science Conference East in Baltimore, MD.
We demonstrate a cost-effective UHPLC/CMS method for the analysis of chloramphenicol in milk with a detailed discussion of sensitivity, linear response range, carryover and robustness using the Advion expression® Compact Mass Spectrometer (CMS) and Advion AVANT™ UHPLC System.
This poster was presented at the 2019 ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics in Atlanta, GA.
In this application note, the Advion Interchim Scientific® AVANT™ UHPLC/CMS system is used to analyze casein proteins in whole milk extract to separate and detect β-casein-B, -A1, and -A2, as well as K-casein and αs1-casein variants. This method is also suitable for a quick, relative quantitation of the β-casein-B, -A1, and -A2 variants in standards of β-casein.