Rappsilber Laboratory, Institute of Biotechnology, Technical University Berlin, Germany


A: The Rappsilber Laboratory is interested in studying the machinery of life, in particular protein structures and their interactions in living cells. Determining protein behaviour is crucial for developing new drugs or understanding terrible diseases such as cancer. We are doing this by developing state-of-the-art methods and new chemical tools for crosslinking mass spectrometry (crosslinking-MS), including new crosslinker reagents and crosslinking chemistry. Working on the chemistry-biology interface, our work encompasses chemical synthesis of peptides, fluorophore tagged sensors, peptide- and protein-reactive crosslinking reagents and bioorthogonal metal catalysts.


A: This year (2020) we built a chemistry lab from scratch, here at the Institute of Biotechnology (TU Berlin). We had the opportunity to really think about our work flow requirements and create the most efficient chemical synthesis pipeline for a modern, 21st century, small chemistry laboratory. However, we are a satellite campus, located more than 10 km from the Institute of Chemistry, which meant that we were constrained by the lack of usual chemistry infrastructure. One of the major challenges that we faced here, is that without chemistry-specific analytical capability, we are working almost blind. Every step of chemical synthesis, including reaction monitoring, work-up, purification and final product characterisation required an exhausting and disruptive journey across Berlin!


A: We operate an advanced proteomics facility, with cutting edge, high-precision, high sensitivity mass spectrometers for analysing extremely complex peptide mixtures. But a chemist needs a workhorse, not a Formula 1 car. The Advion Interchim Scientific expression® CMS was a no-brainer. We needed a system that is versatile, compact, easy-to-use, easy-to-maintain (~10 minute calibration), robust and allows fast analysis (result in <30 seconds). This system is all of this, but furthermore it is a delight to use. The ASAP® Direct Analysis Probe works fantastically well for analysis of solids and liquids. Switching between APCI and ESI is so quick and easy. The Plate Express® system makes it a joy to identify reaction products directly from TLC plates, greatly simplifying subsequent purifications. The Plate Express™ also works really well for identifying synthesized peptides from TLC spots. The expression® CMS sits at the heart of our chemistry lab and workflow.


A: We would recommend the Advion Interchim Scientific expression® CMS to literally any research laboratory, big or small. The versatility of the system is truly impressive.

Breaking Through Bottlenecks in Organic Synthesis with a Streamlined Purification Workflow

Successfully completing an organic synthesis involves three typically lengthy, but crucial steps: reaction monitoring, compound identification, and purification. These steps can create bottlenecks in the synthesis, unless a purpose-built, streamlined, and reliable workflow is on hand.
This whitepaper delves into some of the challenges faced by synthetic organic chemists as they navigate compound identification and purification struggles. It also describes how using a workflow that couples thin layer chromatography (TLC) and mass spectrometry (MS) to flash purification can help increase the efficiency of the entire process.

Key Objectives:

  • Understand how a workflow that combines thin-layer chromatography, mass spectrometry, and flash purification can increase the speed and efficiency of an entire organic synthesis process.
  • Learn about prep-free techniques that have become the new standard: scraping TLC spots, developing flash methods and performing long liquid chromatography/MS runs are not necessary with modern instrumentation that is specifically developed to take the prep-work and guess-work out of the purification process.
  • Become informed about a cost-effective, user-friendly benchtop workflow solution for organic compound identification and purification that can save time and money for any lab.

Rapid Cannabinoid Testing Method for Cannabis Quality Control

A simple, sensitive and selective ASAP® sample introduction approach to measuring the presence of two isobaric compounds, CBDA and THCA, contained in a complex sample such as hemp or cannabis plants or their corresponding extraction products. Measurements are made of differences in the relative composition of CBDA and THCA fragment ions originating from the same precursor ion. Applicability to screening plants and plant product materials such as hemp or marijuana to monitor out-of-specification composition is demonstrated.

This application was developed from the poster presented at the 2018 Cannabis Science Conference in Portland, OR.

Intelligent Flash Purification: TLC Guided Purification and Mass Spectrometry

The combination of the Advion Interchim Scientific expression® CMS and puriFlash® flash chromatography technologies speed up the synthesis, purification and characterization of a compound.

Using the Advion Interchim Scientific expression® Compact Mass Spectrometer, the Plate Express TLC Plate reader, the ASAP® Atmospheric Solids Analysis Probe, and the puriFlash® XS520 flash purification system, it is now possible to execute a fast, user-friendly workflow to run TLC, harness the power of your cell phone to develop a flash method, and finally utilize a simple dipping probe to confirm fractions in seconds.

With easy sampling techniques, intuitive software, and advanced detection technology, you can easily and confidently synthesize, purify and characterize your compound, in a flash.

Intelligent Flash Purification using TLC and Mass Spectrometry

The compound synthesis, purification and confirmation process often presents challenges throughout. From ensuring successful synthesis of your product, setting up a flash purification method, and finally confirming ID of fractions, the lengthy work flow can be time consuming and repetitive.

In this application note, we demonstrate how the combination of Advion Interchim Scientific technologies speed up the synthesis, purification and characterization of a compound.

This series features the Advion Interchim Scientific expression® Compact Mass Spectrometer (CMS), the Plate Express TLC Plate Reader, the Atmospheric Solids Analysis Probe (ASAP®), and the puriFlash® XS520 flash purification system.

Rapid and Direct Screening for Vitamin E Acetate in E-Cigarette Juices by ASAP®/CMS

The recent outbreak of severe lung injury is allegedly tied to the presence of Vitamin E Acetate (VEA) in vaping-related products after VEA was found in lung fluid samples of patients with vaping-related lung illness (EVALI). Calling for regulatory control, Washington, Colorado and Ohio have already banned the use of VEA in e-juices at the state level.

The Advion Interchim Scientific expression® Compact Mass Spectrometer (CMS) with the Atmospheric Solids Analysis Probe (ASAP®) provides a highly sensitive screening method for the presence of VEA.

Experiential Education: Mass Spectrometry Enters the Teaching Laboratory

Thanks to the diminishing size and cost of mass spectrometers, coupled with their increasing robustness and ease of use, universities are now starting to furnish their undergraduate chemistry laboratories with this advanced analytic tool.

“My favorite learning environment is the laboratory,” explains Paul A. Flowers, professor of analytical chemistry at University of North Carolina at Pembroke. “I like teaching students fundamentals through bona fide research experiences.” Flowers began using mass spectrometry in the teaching laboratory about six years ago and hasn’t looked back.

Learn more about the integration of mass spectrometry for teaching with this free whitepaper.

Atmospheric Solids Analysis Probe for Direct Mass Analysis of Liquid & Solid Samples

The expression® CMS provides essential information quickly and improves the chemist’s workflow by using a direct analysis probe, otherwise known as ASAP® (Atmospheric Solids Analysis Probe) permits chemists affordable and reliable sample analysis of solid and liquid samples such as reaction mixtures, food samples, natural products and tablets.

Chemists simply dip the closed end of a glass capillary into the sample of interest (even complex mixtures) or scrape the surface of a solid, and then place the capillary into the CMS for analysis. Clean-up and analysis is a single step. Involatile buffers and salts remain on the capillary ensuring they do not suppress ionization or interfere with the measurement, while the compounds of interest are identified by the CMS.

ASAP®: How it Works

Advion’s direct atmospheric solids analysis probe, otherwise known as ASAP®, permits chemists fast and reliable sample analysis of liquid and solid samples such as reaction mixtures, food samples, natural products and tablets.