University of Bristol, School of Chemistry
Q: What is the focus of your lab’s research?
A: From drug-sized molecules to fragments, we analyze a little bit of everything. My primary research focuses around discovering the structure of proteins including enzyme structure and function in the development of antibiotics.
In addition, we have a collaboration with UCB, a global pharma focused on central nervous system and immunology disorders, involving library screening.
Q: Why did you incorporate the TriVersa NanoMate® into your laboratory?
A: We have a NanoMate 100 and a TriVersa NanoMate®. It is reasonably well-known that you need nanoESI for noncovalent interactions – ligand screening, but it was essential to my research to speed up and to automate the process. I had watched too many demonstrations that involved pulled capillaries, and I knew it would drive us crazy. A second instrument was absolutely vital to meet the needs of our collaboration with UCB.
Q: What benefits have you experienced with the TriVersa NanoMate®?
A: The main reason for purchasing the TriVersa NanoMate® is its automated nanoESI capability. The added benefit is its ease of use. We act as a service lab to the chemistry department, and often we have inexperienced users with a variety of different samples to be analyzed. The TriVersa NanoMate® makes it easy for users to do what needs to be done, very quickly.
Q: To whom would you recommend the TriVersa NanoMate® for their research?
A: I would recommend the TriVersa NanoMate® to anyone who is looking for an easy to use nanoelectrospray source, and who would like to automate and to speed up their process.