vAPCI: How it Works

Direct sample analysis of liquids, solids and powders without chromatography is as easy as it sounds, and provides mass spectral information within seconds. The video demonstrates analysis of a reaction mixture.

Identification of a Pesticide Used in Lawn Care by vAPCI Compact Mass Spectrometry

At regular intervals throughout the year a local lawn service applies pesticides to the lawn surrounding the Advion headquarters in Ithaca, NY. The grass is very uniform and not a single dandelion or crabgrass plant is visible – so we wondered, what chemical do they use? After an application in the early spring, we sampled the yellow pellets and utilized the Advion expression® CMS (compact mass spectrometer) coupled with a vapor Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization (vAPCI) ion source to determine the unknown chemical.

University of Hull, Chemistry Department


A: My group are actively researching the application of mass spectrometry to a range of problems in both chemical and biomedical science. In particular we are involved in the application of mass spectrometry based proteomics for label free quantitation of proteins from human tissue samples and also in the identification of trace analytes from environmental samples. We are also investigating the synthesis of novel co-polymeric monolithic phases for sample extraction and separation.


A: The Chemistry Department at Hull have long recognised the need for practical training on a wide range of chemical instrumentation. In particular we recognise the requirement from many companies in the pharmaceutical and fine chemical sectors for practical training in GC/MS and LC/MS. The Advion expressionL compact mass spectromater (CMS) was purchased to provide such training at an undergraduate level and has been incorporated into the range of instrumental analysis practicals for final year students. The expressionL CMS fits tidily on the bench-top next to the HPLC system and gives students the chance experience at first hand the use of LCMS as an analytical technique. The ease of use and robust nature of the system means that the expressionL CMS lends itself to the undergraduate laboratory where users will not be experts in mass spectrometry at this point in their careers.


A: We use the expressionL CMS to give undergraduate students practical experience of using LC/MS to prepare and analyse a ‘mock’ urine sample. The sample has to be prepared by adding the internal standard and extracting the analytes using Solid Phase Extraction (SPE) to obtain a sample suitable for LC/MS analysis. The aim is to identify and quantify the compounds found in the sample by reference to the internal standard added. The HPLC separation is a rapid 10 min gradient elution and the ability to incorporate the data from the UV detector into the MS data provides an additional benefit. Purchasing the expression L CMS has allowed us to provide practical training in LC/MS for our undergraduate students at a time when prospective employers are actively seeking such skills.

expression® CMS: Mass Spectrometers Designed for Chemists

With decades of mass spectrometry and chemistry expertise, Advion Interchim Scientific has produced a family of compact mass spectrometers designed for the chemist. The affordability, small size and ease of use make them ideal for use directly at the chemist’s bench, giving immediate answers and informed decisions instead of waiting.

The Advion Interchim Scientific expression® compact mass spectrometer (CMS) is a fast and easy analytical tool for the organic chemist. Ideal for fast reaction monitoring, the expression® CMS features a single quadrupole that can adapt to multiple ionization sources in seconds, including both ESI and APCI. The mass spectrometer works in a variety of applications, including food and beverage, pharmaceutical, biomedical, peptides and proteins, drug discovery and more. The expression® CMS offers a variety of novel sampling techniques, including:

  • Direct mass analysis of TLC plates in 30 seconds at the push of a button with Plate Express
  • One-touch analysis of solids and liquid samples with the ASAP® probe
  • LC/CMS
  • Many more options and configurations to suit your needs

Learn more about the different sample techniques available with the expression® CMS, including fast assay methods for liquids, solids, gases, and even air-sensitive compounds.

Fill out the form to download the full expression® CMS brochure now.

Screening of explosive residues without sample preparation using a direct sample analysis probe on the expression® CMS

The ability to effectively screen passengers with minimal personal contact is critical. Ion mobility detectors used at many airports can be inaccurate and provide many false-positives and false-negatives. Advanced Imaging Technology (AIT) screening techniques are very useful for detecting concealed weapons and explosive devices located on passengers and/or in their belongings, however are unable to detect trace amounts of explosive residues.

The expression® Compact Mass Spectrometer (CMS) with an Atmospheric Solids Analysis Probe (ASAP®) is a high performance instrument with a small footprint that allows airports to better screen for explosive residues on passengers and their belongings.

The expression® CMS provides rapid and accurate detection with significantly reduced false-positives and false-negatives than ion mobility instruments.

Environmental Analysis

Quantitation of Perchlorate by Ion Chromatography with Suppressed Conductivity on the expression CMS

Perchlorate is a synthetic chemical that is used in the manufacture of rocket fuel, fireworks, flares and explosives, and can also be present in bleaches and some fertilizers [1]. The EPA has devised drinking water regulations for Perchlorate to minimize its impact on human health and the environment.

Achieving lower analytical detection limits for Perchlorate in environmental matrices such as drinking water allows regulatory bodies like the EPA make better informed decisions on the degree of contamination of an environmental system, as well as the remedial actions required to limit adverse health and environmental effects.

The expression Compact Mass Spectrometer (CMS) provides lower detection limits and greater selectivity for Perchlorate compared to a conductivity detector (CD). The typical detection limit of a CD is in the mid to high-ppb range, the CMS can detect < 20 ppt.

Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Germany

Q: What is the focus of your lab’s research?

A: One of the topics of our lab is the interaction of insect pheromones and their analogues with pheromone-binding proteins (PBPs) which are part of an extremely sensitive multi-component pheromone detection system.

We utilize binding assays to determine the function of the PBPs through affinity measurements of the protein-ligand receptors, calculate binding constants, the spatial arrangement of the complex and do modeling. In addition, point-mutated PBPs are used for a better understanding of the contribution of individual amino acids to the binding event.

Q: How does the TriVersa NanoMate® (TVNM) align with your research goals?

A: The TVNM enabled us to develop a high-throughput method to study protein-ligand-interactions for large series of different pheromones and their analogues.

As the binding energies involved are very low and we need to preserve the native structure of the molecules, the soft-ionization conditions of the TVNM are perfect for us. Further, these studies are difficult with classic electrospray, due to the stickiness of the samples. They create problems from short cleaning cycles and produce contaminations.

In contrast, the established method with the TVNM is reliable and stable, and it eliminates the sticky sample issues. In addition, multiple experiments with very low quantities of protein (1 nmol) at different cone-voltage conditions are possible.

We recently added the LESA™ (Liquid Extraction Surface Analysis) capability to the TVNM. This enables us to detect putative signal molecules on leaf surfaces and to track down their production and storage sites by comparing the data with extracts from samples derived from the inner compartments of the leaves.

Q: To whom would you recommend the TriVersa NanoMate for their research?

A: I would recommend the TriVersa NanoMate to everybody because it is a universal source. With direct infusion, coupling for fraction collection and surface analysis, it may replace all ionization sources.

Max Planck Institute for Coal Research, Germany

Q: What is the focus of youR lab’s ReseaRch?

A: Our activities on lignin chemistry cover the extraction of lignin by the organosolv process, characterization of lignin and development of catalysts for lignin hydrogenolysis, oxidation and depolymerization.

The similarity between the chemical structures of low ranking coals and lignin encourages us to develop integrated strategies to process coal and biomass together. Our activities on coal chemistry cover the direct coliquefaction of low ranking coals and biomass to produce liquid fuels.

Furthermore, we are aiming at understanding the process of dissolution of cellulose in nonconventional solvent systems and are exploring the reactivity of cellulose in new solvent systems.

Q: What pRevious WoRkfloW challenges DiD you expeRience?

A: Many scientists generating a high number of diverse compounds need fast and direct access to the exact mass data for those compounds. Thus, we had to find a way to conduct most of the mass determination directly in our laboratory in a timely and cost-efficient way.

Q: Why DiD you incoRpoRate the expRession cMs into youR laboRatoRy?

A: The purchase of Advion expression compact mass spectrometer reveals to be an excellent investment. We are performing analyses of complex samples (e.g., lignin, cellulose and coal products) in a multi-user environment. As such, the Advion device is very easy to operate as well as a robust and very reliable mass spectrometer, surpassing all the expectations that we had for an affordable device.