Analyzing the World Around Us: Tools for Environmental Testing & Monitoring

Environmental monitoring is vital to understanding the world around us. Air quality, water, and soil testing all provide valuable information about an environment’s status. Tools and technologies for environmental monitoring can be used to evaluate the sanitation of a food and beverage lab or to monitor an ecosystem’s recovery after an oil spill. Join Lab Manager and our panel of experts as we review the tools available for environmental testing and monitoring.

As an attendee, you will learn more about:

  • Developments in technology for environmental testing and monitoring
  • Considerations when purchasing technology for environmental testing and monitoring
  • Applications for environmental testing and monitoring across industries

This webinar was hosted by Lab Manager Tech Trends and recorded July 9, 2020.

Rapid Cannabinoid Testing Method for Cannabis Quality Control

A simple, sensitive and selective ASAP® sample introduction approach to measuring the presence of two isobaric compounds, CBDA and THCA, contained in a complex sample such as hemp or cannabis plants or their corresponding extraction products. Measurements are made of differences in the relative composition of CBDA and THCA fragment ions originating from the same precursor ion. Applicability to screening plants and plant product materials such as hemp or marijuana to monitor out-of-specification composition is demonstrated.

This application was developed from the poster presented at the 2018 Cannabis Science Conference in Portland, OR.

Essentials for Heavy Metals Testing in Cannabis and Hemp

Review new data and tips for using the Advion Interchim Scientific SOLATION® inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS) in the cannabis and hemp testing lab, and factors that affect heavy metals in cannabis and hemp.

This ebook was created with Spectroscopy and released June 2020.

Measurement of THC in Exhaled Breath after Marijuana Smoking: Exploring the Potential of a Transportable LC/CMS System

Dr. Jack Henion presents the possibility of using the Advion Interchim Scientific expression® Compact Mass Spectrometer (CMS) for ‘roadside breath testing’ of THC DRUID (driving under the influence of drugs) with the use of a small plastic breath collection device from Breath Explor of Uppsala, Sweden. This device serves as a simple, acceptable collection device for individuals in contrast to venous puncture with a needle or other means of collecting a biological sample.

In this ASMS 2020 Reboot presentation, you will learn:

  • Breath sample collection with the Breath Explor device
  • The potential benefits and challenges of a roadside LC/CMS testing system including an automated robot for sample preparation with the Advion Interchim Scientific expression® CMS and Advion Interchim Scientific AVANT UHPLC
  • The Advion LC/CMS system provides accurate and sensitive results when used to analyze breath samples for THC

Authors: Olof Beck2, Jack Henion1, Sabina Seferaj2, Peter Stamback3
1Advion, Inc., Ithaca, NY
2Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
3Breath Explore, Munkplast AB, Uppsala, Sweden

Heavy Metal Analysis of Cannabis Plants using the Advion Interchim Scientific SOLATION® ICP-MS

In this study, we used the Advion Interchim Scientific SOLATION® ICP-MS and a microwave digestion system to digest and analyze hemp samples using the validation methods described in USP General Chapter <233>. The sensitivity, ability to handle complex matrices, and the ability to remove interferences with a helium collision cell makes this the ideal system for heavy metal analysis in the cannabis industry.

In this application note you will learn:

  • How the SOLATION® is an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer, the ultimate instrument for multi-elemental analysis, provides high sensitivity measurement of trace elements across a wide range of matrices.
  • The advanced intuitive software including ICP-MS Express, Quant Express, and Data Express provides an instrument control framework with automated tuning processes while also simplifying the quantitative and post-analysis data processing.
  • The results of hemp measurements in this note demonstrate that SOLATION® provides the required accuracy and sensitivity for heavy metal analysis in cannabis materials.

The Essential Systems & Consumables for Purification, Evaporation & Mass Spectrometry

The Advion Interchim Scientific suite of systems and consumables allows users to harness the power of mass spectrometry, flash chromatography, prep LC and more. Simple and robust, download our brochure to learn more about:

  • The Advion Interchim Scientific expression® compact mass spectrometer (CMS): A fast and easy analytical tool for the organic chemist. Ideal for fast reaction monitoring, the expression® CMS features a single quadrupole that can adapt to multiple ionization sources in seconds, including both ESI and APCI. The expression® CMS offers a variety of novel sampling techniques, including fast assay methods for liquids, solids, gases, and even air-sensitive compounds.
  • Direct mass analysis of TLC plates in 30 seconds at the push of a button with Plate Express
  • One-touch analysis of solids and liquid samples with the ASAP® probe
  • LC/CMS
  • puriFlash® ultra performance flash purification: Ideal for method development and purification of rare and high added value compounds, the Interchim family of puriFlash® systems offer users a wide range of throughput options and the highest recovery rates at >95%.
  • Mass-Guided Purification: the Interchim puriFlash® + Advion CMS offers the ideal solution for Flash-MS, and can provide fraction identification in <30 seconds.

Fill out the form to download the full Advion Interchim Scientific brochure now.

Identification and quantification of cannabinol as a biomarker for local hemp retting in an ancient sedimentary record by HPTLC-ESI-MS

Martin-Luther-University Halle-Wittenberg, Free University of Berlin


Cannabis products have been used in various fields of everyday life for many centuries, and applications in folk medicine and textile production have been well-known for many centuries. For traditional textile production, hemp fibers were extracted from the stems by water retting in stagnant or slow-moving waters.

During this procedure, parts of the plant material‚ among them phytocannabinoids‚ are released into the water. Cannabinol (CBN) is an important degradation product of the predominant phytocannabinoids found in Cannabis species. Thus, it is an excellent indicator for present as well as ancient hemp water retting.

In this study, we developed and validated a simple and fast method for the determination of CBN in sediment samples using high-performance thin-layer chromatography (HPTLC) combined with electrospray ionization mass spectrometry (ESI-MS), thereby testing different extraction and cleanup procedures‚ as well as various sorbents and solvents for planar chromatography.

This method shows a satisfactory overall analytical performance with an average recovery rate of 73%. Our protocol enabled qualitative and quantitative analyses of CBN in samples of a bottom sediment core‚ having been obtained from a small lake in Northern India, where intense local retting of hemp was suggested in the past. The findings correlate with existing records of Cannabis-type pollen. Thus, the method we propose is a helpful tool to track ancient hemp retting activities.

The Advion TLC/CMS system with the expression® Compact Mass Spectrometer (CMS) and Plate Express® TLC Plate Reader was utilized for the elution of compounds from the HPTLC plates.

Rapid and Direct Screening for Vitamin E Acetate in E-Cigarette Juices by ASAP®/CMS

The recent outbreak of severe lung injury is allegedly tied to the presence of Vitamin E Acetate (VEA) in vaping-related products after VEA was found in lung fluid samples of patients with vaping-related lung illness (EVALI). Calling for regulatory control, Washington, Colorado and Ohio have already banned the use of VEA in e-juices at the state level.

The Advion Interchim Scientific expression® Compact Mass Spectrometer (CMS) with the Atmospheric Solids Analysis Probe (ASAP®) provides a highly sensitive screening method for the presence of VEA.

Medicinal Cannabis Products for Veterinary Medicine: Application of LC/CMS for the Analysis of Commercial Hemp Products

 In this application note, the Advion expression® Compact Mass Spectrometer (CMS) coupled with the Advion AVANT UHPLC (LC/CMS) was used to measure the concentration of cannabinoids from commercially available CBD oils for a comparative test against the product labels. 

The research in this application note was published in Cannabis Science & Technology Magazine May/June 2019 and presented at the 2019 Cannabis Science Conference East in Baltimore, MD.