North Central College ChemEd 2019

ChemEd takes place on a college campus allowing for hands-on labs, workshops, and demonstrations. This biennial conference is one of the largest for educators involved in teaching Chemistry in North America. It is an opportunity for educators to gather together for five days to learn and exchange their teaching ideas in a friendly and motivating environment. ChemEd creates a community for dedicated and involved science educators.

NACRW 2019

FLAG Works, Inc. sponsors the North American Chemical Residue Workshop (NACRW) formerly the Florida Pesticide Residue Workshop (FPRW) which conducts an annual meeting for scientists particularly interested in trace level analysis of pesticides, veterinary drug residues, and other chemicals in food, animal feed, and environmental samples.  The purpose of the meeting is to provide training, develop and improve technical knowledge, facilitate development and distribution of new analysis methods and techniques, and establish networking to promote professional cooperation between scientists of these interests.  While the majority of attendees are from North America, important international speakers are always included in the Technical Program, and attendance of scientists from Asia, Europe, South America, Australia, and Africa is increasing annually.

102nd Canadian Chemistry Conference and Exhibition: Celebrating IUPAC’s 100th Anniversary: Canada’s Place in Global Chemical Research, Innovation and Education

The conference theme is “Celebrating IUPAC’s 100th Anniversary: Canada’s Place in Global Chemical Research, Innovation and Education.” As a global chemistry citizen, Canada has been actively involved in many chemistry related activities and shares the core values of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). Our theme is meant to recognize this shared link and to celebrate the 100thanniversary of IUPAC.

67th ASMS Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics

The 67th ASMS Conference will be June 2 – 6, 2019 in Atlanta, GA at the Georgia World Congress Center. The participation of the ASMS Corporate Members is an integral part of the conference. We welcome support from past Corporate Members as well as the involvement of new members for one of the most dynamic scientfic conferences in the world. We expect an attendance of 6,500 scientists and 3,000 presentations as talks and posters. The poster-exhibit hall will feature over 750 different posters each day and 180 exhibit booths, providing a broad array of science and technology.

2019 NIH Spring Biomedical Research Equipment and Supplies Exhibit

The NIH mission is to expand fundamental knowledge about the nature and behavior of living systems and to improve and develop new strategies for the diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of dis- ease and communicate the results of research with the goal of improving health. NIH works toward that mis- sion by: conducting research in its own laboratories; supporting the research of non-Federal scientists in universities, medical schools, hospitals, and research institutions throughout the country and abroad; helping in the training of research investigators; and fostering communication of biomedical information. Over 200 companies will showcase their latest product developments to over 1500 NIH Re- search professionals from the NIH community.

4th Annual VirginiaDrugDiscoveryRx: Emerging Targets, Technologies, and Therapeutics for Cancer and Neuroscience

Organized by the Virginia Drug Discovery Consortium, the meeting showcases the dynamic drug discovery environment in the state of Virginia and focused on the development of public-private drug discovery partnerships, which are foundational to translational research with attendees from academia, the private sector, and government.

2019 Biomedical Research Equipment and Supplies Exhibit at Fort Detrick

This annual event includes the thirteenth annual concurrent technical program. Poster sessions presented by research professionals from NCI, USDA, Army, and NIAID will be held in the exhibit tent. Scienti c speaker sessions on topics featured in the poster abstracts will be presented in a nearby on-site facility. Special exhibits highlighting on-site intramural research, organized by NCIBR, will also take place concurrently.