Advion BioServices, Inc. Announces Expansion

November 12, 2007 — SAN DIEGO, C.A. – Advion BioServices, Inc., the bioanalytical services division of Advion BioSciences, Inc. announced today during the 2007 AAPS Annual Meeting and Exposition that it is expanding its capacity with the recent acquisition of two Applied Biosystems/ MDS Sciex API 5000 mass spectrometers and Waters Acquity UPLC capability. In addition, the company has hired 17 employees since relocating to its new laboratory facility in late April of this year.

Since 1993, Advion has operated a GLP bioanalytical LC/MS/MS laboratory serving the pharmaceutical industry. The addition of these API 5000 mass spectrometers brings the number of triple quadrupole mass spectrometers within Advion’s bioanalytical laboratory in Ithaca , New York to 24, making it one of the largest bioanalytical contract laboratories in the world. The acquisition of UPLC by Advion provides a wider range of liquid chromatography capabilities to offer its customers.

“The addition of API 5000 and Acquity UPLC systems provides our scientists with technology to meet the needs of our clients for LC/MS/MS assays with improved sensitivity,” remarked Tom Kurz, Advion BioServices’ president. “Not only does this new equipment improve our capability, but in combination with the recent expansion of our scientific staff provides us with increased capacity to serve our clients.”

Additionally, Advion has recognized a 35% growth in quarterly revenue versus prior year due in part to expanded offerings including dose formulation analysis, sample management and storage, metabolism services, PK data analysis, and immunoassay services. “The new services were developed and offered as a direct result of client requests that such services be provided by Advion under our high standards for scientific excellence, regulatory compliance, and unparalleled service,” Kurz commented.

About Advion BioServices, Inc.:
Advion is a scientific leader in bioanalytical and immunoassay services. Advion offers a range of services including LC/MS/MS services, immunoassay services, dose formulation analysis, sample management and storage services. The company is the laboratory of choice for pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies demanding scientific excellence. More information about the company can be found on its website

For Advion:
Amy Boardman
Manager of Corporate Marketing Communications
Advion BioSciences, Inc.
607.266.0665 x314

Advion BioServices, Inc. Receives 2007 Lilly Global Supplier Award

August 7, 2007 — ITHACA, N.Y. – Advion BioServices, Inc., announced today that it has received from Eli Lilly and Company a distinguished 2007 Lilly Global Supplier Award recognizing key partners who provide superior client support. Of the 10,000 companies worldwide providing supplies or services to Lilly, Advion is one of twelve to receive the award this year. The award is a testament to the strength of Advion and Lilly’s long-standing partnership as well as Advion’s dedication to its clients.

Eli Lilly and Company is aware of the importance supplier relationships play in the current environment, and the ability to collaborate effectively to provide Lilly with a competitive edge. They have created this award as a way to recognize the efforts of these successful supplier relationships.

Advion accepted the Global Supplier Award last week at a ceremony held at the Lilly headquarters in Indianapolis, Indiana. “It is an honor to receive this award from one of the industry’s leading pharmaceutical companies. It is a testament to Advion’s hard work and dedication to providing the highest quality service to our clients,” stated Stephen Lowes, Ph.D., Senior Vice President – Scientific.

About Advion BioServices, Inc.:
Advion is a scientific leader in bioanalytical and immunoassay services. Advion offers a range of services including LC/MS/MS services, immunoassay services, dose formulation analysis, sample management and storage services. The company is the laboratory of choice for pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies demanding scientific excellence. More information about the company can be found on its website

For Advion:
Amy Boardman
Manager of Corporate Marketing Communications
Advion BioSciences, Inc.
607.266.0665 x314

Advion BioSystems, Inc. Announces the Acquisition of NanoTek, LLC

August 7, 2007 — Ithaca, N.Y. – Advion BioSciences, Inc. announces that its Advion BioSystems division has completed the acquisition of NanoTek, LLC (Knoxville, TN), a leader in micro-fluidic chemistry systems. The addition of NanoTek to Advion’s micro and nano-scale LC-MS analytical platform enables the combined companies to assume a leadership position in micro-fluidic chemistry solutions. Advion intends to provide a complete chemistry and analytics approach for imaging diagnostics, drug discovery and biomarker research. Prior to the acquisition, Advion had been the global distribution and support partner for NanoTek.

Joe Matteo, co-founder and CEO of NanoTek, will remain with Advion and serve as President of Advion’s Accelerated Chemistry Division, based in Knoxville,TN, and become a member of Advion’s Executive Committee. Advion plans to make significant investment in NanoTek R&D and chemistry development under Mr. Matteo’s leadership.

“This acquisition is extremely strategic for the company and accretive to earnings from day one. There are numerous synergies between the companies which became obvious to us as soon as we began the initial commercial partnership. We intend to rapidly accelerate the NanoTek global commercialization and extend the product lines into pre-existing demand areas” says David B. Patteson, CEO of Advion BioSciences, Inc.

“The acquisition is all about natural partnerships and very large opportunities” adds Joe Matteo. “We see the market potential in the same way, there are many ways to integrate our product lines and the customers embrace our combined vision. We could not have found a better partner, and this is a very strategic combination.”

About Advion BioSystems, Inc.
Advion is the scientific leader in micro-fluidics systems. The company’s scientific knowledge base creates unique nanotechnologies delivering speed, flexibility, and exceptional data quality. Advion is the micro-fluidics supplier of choice for customers demanding scientific excellence that provides better synthesis, accurate mass analysis, higher yields and greater throughput. More information about the company can be found on their website at

For Advion:
Amy Boardman
Manager of Corporate Marketing Communications
Advion BioSciences, Inc.
P: 607.266.0665 ext. 314

Advion BioSciences, Inc. Opens Immunoassay Laboratory

June 21, 2007 — ITHACA, N.Y., June 21, 2007 – Advion BioSciences,Inc., through its BioServices subsidiary, will begin offering bioanalytical immunochemistry services to the pharmaceutical and biotechnology industry starting July, 2007. This business will allow Advion to provide critical discovery and development large molecule services to the fast growing macromolecule drug pipelines underway throughout the industry. Leading the scientific team will be Dr. Esme Farley and Byron Simpson, two highly respected immunochemists with decades of combined experience in the immunoassay field and extensive knowledge with regulated bioanalysis. The facility will be located in Manassas, Virginia, a suburb of Washington, DC.

According to David Patteson, President and CEO of Advion BioSciences, “It has long been a desire to offer our clients these services and we are very pleased to have such skilled immunologists join our team”. Suburban DC was chosen as the site for this lab due to the abundance of skilled scientists in the Virginia and Maryland area, and the availability of excellent pre-existing laboratory space. Tom Kurz, President of Advion BioServices went on to state: The immunoassay service is a nice complement to our LC/MS/MS services and allows us to fully serve the bioanalytical needs for both small molecule drugs and biologics. Consistent with Advion’s reputation for scientific excellence and unparalleled service, we are committed to building an exceptional immunoassay service laboratory.

In this new laboratory, Advion will provide a full range of ligand binding assays for the development and validation of traditional and custom designed ELISA’s, RIA’s, immunoassays, immunogenicity tests, multiplexed biomarker assays, cell based assays, and flow cytometry. Immunoassay services in support of development programs will be conducted under GLP conditions with the support of Advion’s existing infrastructure. All of Advion’s pre-existing quality and regulatory processes will be implemented at this facility.

About Advion:
Founded in 1993, Advion BioSciences, Inc. is an established leader in bioanalytical science and regulatory compliance and an innovator of products for the life science industry. More information about the company can be found on its website

For Advion:
Amy Boardman
Manager of Corporate Marketing Communications
Advion BioSciences, Inc.
607.266.0665 ext. 314

Record Attendance and Program for Advion's ASMS User Meeting available on CD

Advion held its 4th annual ASMS users meeting on June 3rd with record attendance.

Speakers from a variety of application areas gave rapid-fire ten minute presentations regarding their work with Advion’s technology.

You may request a CD of Advion’s ASMS Users Meeting presentations by emailing


Alison Ashcroft – University of Leeds
Joshua Coon – University of Wisconsin
Jonathan Josephs – Bristol-Myers Squibb
Rick King – Merck
Matthias Mann – MPI Martinsreid
Alex-James Painter – Cambridge University
Ragu Ramanathan – SPRI
Vernon Reinhold – University of New Hampshire
M. Cameron Sullards – Georgia Tech
Keqi Tang – Pacific Northwest National Laboratory

Advion Adds Moxifloxacin to its Validated LC/MS/MS Methods Offering

June 19, 2007– Regulatory agencies have recommended moxifloxacin, a fluoroquinolone antibiotic associated with QT prolongation, as a positive control to detect small increases in QT interval measurements. As such, Advion has recently added moxifloxacin to its list of validated non-proprietary methods for use by new and existing clients. Advion has applied this stable-labeled internal standard method in human plasma to support the study of QT prolongation of a placebo versus moxifloxacin and interference studies. Commonly used in drug-drug interaction and interference studies this recently added method is a valuable service to support anti-infective drug development efforts. It was a natural addition to Advion’s extensive non-proprietary method offering.

A full list of Advion’s validated non-proprietery methods to support drug-drug interactions or comparison studies is available on its website.

Advion Expands Statin-Class Non-Proprietary LC/MS/MS Method Offering

June 19, 2007– The statin class of drugs has been developed to lower cholesterol in people with risk of cardiovascular disease. Statins inhibit the enzyme HMG-CoA reductase which stimulates the LDL receptors thereby decreasing blood cholesterol levels. Advion recognizes the importance of validated LC/MS statin methods to the pharmaceutical industry in the development of cardiovascular drugs. While statins are well studied and understood, ongoing comparison studies and drug-drug research is needed on new chemical entities that are complimentary.

Advion’s offering of statin non-proprietary methods are all validated in human plasma with stable-label internal standards and include:

Atorvastatin, o-hydroxyatorvastatin, p-hydroxyatorvastatin
Fenofibric acid
Lovastatin, lovastatin acid
Simvastatin, simvastatin acid

A full list of Advion’s validated non-proprietery methods to support drug-drug interactions or comparison studies is available on its website.

New Oncology Non-proprietary LC/MS/MS Method Offered by Advion

June 19, 2007– The recent surge in oncology research within the pharmaceutical industry has produced a variety of oncology drugs for the treatment of a number of cancers. Treatments typically include a cocktail of prescriptions, so it is vitally important to understand the effects of co-administered drugs. Advion has a comprehensive list of validated oncology non-proprietary methods. Advion has recently added paclitaxel, its metabolite 6-hydroxypaclitaxel and gemcitabine to its offering of validated non-proprietary methods.

Advion offers a comprehensive list of validated oncology non-proprietary methods:

Imatinib, N-desmethyl Imatinib
Paclitaxel, 6-hydroxypaclitaxel

A full list of Advion’s validated non-proprietary methods to support drug-drug interactions or comparison studies is available on its website.

Senator Charles Shumer (D-NY) Announces "Math for America" Program at Advion

April 10, 2007– Senator Charles Schumer (D-NY) held a press conference at Advion’s Catherwood Road facility on April 9th to announce his “Math for America” program which seeks to raise the quality of math and science education in America.

Read more about the press conference on the Ithaca Journal website:

Advion to Distribute NanoTek Microchemistry Systems

April 10, 2007 — Advion BioSystems, Inc. and NanoTek, LLC announced today Advion has been appointed the distributor and support partner for NanoTek’s MinuteMan nano-scale, micro-fluidic chemistry systems. The MinuteMan represents a breakthrough approach in synthetic organic synthesis with built-in purification for discovery and batch production of biomarkers for Positron Emission Tomography (PET), pharmaceutical lead generation and bioanalytical radio labeled isotope standard synthesis. The terms of the agreement enable Advion and NanoTek to partner on a global basis and allow NanoTek to rapidly advance its product development launch plans.

According to Joe Matteo, CEO of NanoTek, “This partnership complements our skills and resources in radiochemistry and PET with Advion’s skills and resources in analytical techniques and microfabrication. The MinuteMan product has demonstrated drug synthesis performance 30 to 100 times faster than conventional technology and we will leverage the Advion sales and service network to rapidly expand our market base and product offering. Beyond the business synergies, it has been a pleasure to work with the Advion team and I expect this relationship to be a great success.”

David Patteson, CEO of Advion BioSciences, Inc. added, “We are very excited about this partnership. Advion has a rapidly growing global organization, we call on the same customer base as NanoTek, are leaders in the nano-chemistry segment with our existing product lines, and the possibility exists to integrate the product lines. The PET market is in a rapid growth phase and NanoTek has a unique solution approach. There is also substantial movement underway within clinical research institutions and pharma accounts to accelerate drug compound development using micro-fluidic solutions and PET. NanoTek gives us a substantial boost in our approach to these markets with a robust product line and an aggressive product development team who listens to, and co-develops products with customers. The combination of our Systems and bioanalytical Services business gives us an uncommon view and access into the pre-clinical/clinical PET and pharmaceutical markets as well as bioanalytical synthesis needs.

About Advion
Founded in 1993, Advion BioSciences, Inc. are pioneers in bioanalytical services and innovators of products for the life science industry. More information about the company can be found on its website

About NanoTek, LLC
NanoTek is an advanced microfluidics technology company engaged in the development and production of microfluidic chemistry systems for the rapid production of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) labeled biomarkers. Our instruments provide critical tools to fuel growth in the number and diversity of imaging molecules available for PET imaging applications and pharmaceutical research. Visit us on the web at

For Advion:
Amy Boardman
Manager of Corporate Marketing Communications
607.266.9162 ext.314

For NanoTek, LLC:
Joe Matteo
Chief Executive Officer