2019 Cannabis Science Conference East

Cannabis Science Conference (CSC Events, LLC) is the world’s largest and most technical cannabis science expo. Our conference pulls together cannabis industry experts, instrument manufacturers, testing labs, research scientists, medical practitioners, policy makers and interested novices. Our annual event is aimed at improving cannabis science.

19th Annual Oxford ICBS

The focus of the 19th Oxford ICSB meeting is to discuss approaches for post market surveillance, risk and safety assessment, quality control and adverse event reporting (AER) for botanical dietary supplements (BDS) and natural products, as well as regulatory aspects with perspectives from government, manufacturers and trade associations. To this end, the program will include relevant presentations from members of CFSAN/FDA, government officials, major trade associations and industry representatives discussing pressing topics that affect BDSs and their impact on consumers.

57th Annual MIKIW Medicinal Chemistry Meeting-in-Miniature

This two-day student-organized symposium rotates annually through the participating schools. For this symposium graduate students from the hosting university organize and moderate the entire meeting, providing the valuable experience of organizing a professional event. The goals of this event are to give participating students organizational and presentation experience as well as vital networking opportunities. The event is primarily focused around formal poster and oral research presentations delivered by graduate students.

MSACL 2019 US: 11th Annual Conference & Exhibits

MSACL provides a forum for discussing the clinical application of mass spectrometry by bringing together academic and industrial experts in the field with those driven to explore and understand more about the potential application and benefits. The mission of MSACL is to accelerate the implementation of mass spectrometry in the clinical laboratory with the goal of contributing to the improvement of patient standard-of-care as well as reducing health care costs.

ICR Conference 2019

The ICR 2017 and 2018 conferences attracted more than 900 attendees and researchers from every field of cannabis expertise. The forum included researchers from universities, representatives from government agencies, and a host of industry experts. Presentations, panels, and posters covered the scientific, medical, industrial, legal, economic, and social elements of cannabis research.

ACS Spring 2019 National Meeting & Expo: Chemistry for New Frontiers

ACS National Meetings are where chemistry professionals meet to share ideas and advance scientific and technical knowledge. By attracting thousands of chemical professionals, the meeting provides excellent opportunities for sharing your passion for chemistry, connecting with the world’s largest scientific society, and advancing your career in this ever-changing global economy.