Mass spec designed with the academic chemistry laboratory in mind
The expression® Compact Mass Spectrometer (CMS), the standard for mass analysis in chemistry labs worldwide, is available with a teaching package offering professors the ability to provide students with industry-related knowledge and experience in mass spectrometry.
To bring mass spectrometry into the classroom, Advion Interchim Scientific® offers:
- A compact, easy to use benchtop mass spectrometer for both students and researchers.
- Ten hours of recorded lectures that go beyond the fundamentals of mass spectrometry to include various sample techniques, showing students real-world examples used in the chemistry workplace.
- Lecture slides to share or adapt to your own teaching style
- Easy, student-friendly CheMS software. Select your workflow and type of compound in just a few clicks of the mouse. The software automatically optimizes the ion source and data acquisition parameters to ensure clean, easy-to-read peaks without being an expert in mass spectrometry.
Product Solutions

The expression® CMS, the standard for mass analysis in chemistry labs worldwide, is available with a teaching package offering professors the ability to provide students with industry-related knowledge and experience in mass spectrometry.

Advion’s teaching package contains comprehensive lecture materials providing ready-to-teach curriculum, making it the ideal solution for undergraduate and teaching chemistry programs. Lectures include an introduction to MS, FIA, LC/MS and more.

CheMS software is ideal for teaching applications. Students can select their workflow and type of compound in just a few clicks of the mouse. The software automatically optimizes the ion source and data acquisition parameters to ensure clean, easy-to-read peaks without being an expert in mass spectrometry.

Couple the Plate Express™ TLC plate reader to the expression® CMS for push-button TLC plate analysis – no scraping or sample preparation required. Identify spots in <1 minute for fast analysis.

Take your classroom to the next level with the AVANT™ (U)HPLC. Teach advanced LC/CMS techniques, or when class is not in session, utilize the system for research projects, making this a versatile choice for university labs seeking state of the art equipment.

Provide students with simple, one-touch sampling of solids, liquids, sample preparation tips and fibers with the Touch Express™ Open Port Sampling Interface (OPSI). Simply touch a sample to the port for results in seconds. Achieve compound ID and impurity detection from almost any surface.

Ideal for student use, the Atmospheric Solids Analysis Probe (ASAP®) provides the easiest mass analysis technique for liquid and solid samples with no preparation required. Simply insert the probe into the mass spectrometer for answers in seconds.

For students working with air-sensitive compounds in a glovebox or Schlenk line, the inert ASAP® probe is the ideal prep-free solution that allows for direct sampling with no sample degradation. Sample catalysts and organometallics in seconds.

For fast gas-phase sample analysis, the volatile APCI (vAPCI) source is the ideal method for compounds like headspace and breath. Analyze Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) directly in the gas phase in seconds.

Teaching labs looking for simple, high-performance, robust multi-element analysis can take advantage of the SOLATION® ICP-MS system. Designed for ease of use with intuitive software, the system is ideal for teaching and research labs in need of trace element analysis.