Multi-element analysis, fast screening and quantitative results
Experience a wide range of environmental testing solutions with the expression® Compact Mass Spectrometer (CMS), SOLATION® ICP-MS and AVANT™ (U)HPLC.
From multi-elemental analysis to simple, quick screening methods, Advion Interchim Scientific® provides a range of mass spec solutions for environmental analysis of water, soil, plant material, airborne particles and more.
Product Solutions

The expression® CMS offers fast, direct screening and environmental analysis. The system can even be used in a field setting outside the lab for immediate, on-site answers. The compact size and ease of use make it the perfect environmental testing companion.

Use standalone or couple to the expression® CMS or SOLATION® ICP-MS, the high performance, AVANT™ LC systems provide greater analysis power, including separation of contaminants and toxins.

The SOLATION® ICP-MS offers simple high performance multi-element analysis and is the most versatile and powerful detection method for trace elemental analysis in water, soil and plant material. The SOLATION® ICP-MS offers low detection limits, easy elemental quantitation with high throughput analysis.

Plate Express™ automated TLC plate reader offers push-button analysis of TLC plates. Separate a variety of environmental compounds and skip the sample preparation with this easy-to-use sample solution.

The ASAP® probe makes environmental screening simple and easy. Simply dip the probe into a liquid or swipe across a solid and insert it into the expression® CMS for fast, prep-free analysis.

Touch Express™, an open port sampling interface (OPSI), offers one-touch analysis in <30 seconds and easy sampling for environmental matrices including both solid and liquid samples, as well as direct surface analysis.