Enhance your mass spectrometry and chemical synthesis workflow
Advion Interchim Scientific® provides solutions for a variety of applications, providing fast, easy benchtop analysis with minimal sample prep. Featured applications include:

Real time reaction monitoring data at the bench. Understand reaction progression and when to quench. Get answers in minutes rather than hours or days.

A research grade, plug and play, compact mass spectrometer with a teaching curriculum included, perfect for academic chemistry and teaching laboratories.

Integrated laboratory solutions for comprehensive cannabis testing, including potency and safety including the expression® Compact Mass Spectrometer (CMS), the AVANT™ (U)HPLC, and the SOLATION® ICP-MS.

Extended mass range mass spectrometer with fragmentation analysis and deconvolution software tools for analysis of large molecules; proteins, peptides and oligonucleotides.

Integrated mass spectrometry solutions for food characterization and safety analyses, including screening and quantitation for pesticides and other contaminants, plus measurement of toxic and essential metals and minerals.

From multi-elemental analysis to simple, quick screening methods, Advion Interchim Scientific provides a full range of integrated mass spectrometry solutions.

Simple, high-performance methods for clinical analyses, UHPLC-CMS and fast, prep-free screening methods and high-throughput liquid extraction surface sampling.

Fast QA/QC analysis of tablets, liquids, powders and more, plus the widest range of prep-free sample techniques in the industry.

Identify and quantify individual lipid species or metabolites with long lasting, stable electrospray from direct extracts of biological samples.

Conduct fast and complete protein identification and PTM characterization, including glycan analysis.

With easy sampling techniques, intuitive software, and advanced detection technology, you can easily and confidently synthesize, purify and characterize your compound, in a flash.