Mass Spectrometry for Chemists: Direct Analysis of TLC Plates, Solids and Gases

TLC/CMS, the atmospheric liquids and solids probe (ASAP), and the volatile APCI source provide direct analysis without sample preparation – even for air-sensitive compounds.
With the daily need to analyze a variety of samples, these techniques are indispensable in a busy lab.
Learn how a single instrument can be adapted to each of these sample requirements and rapidly changed to accommodate back-to-back assays. Listen to users in the field speak about the innovative sample inlets that have cut down on sample prep and streamlined their everyday work flow.
During this webinar you will:
- Learn how the CMS offers real-time results and decision making right at the bench. This allows chemists to optimize reactions, know when to quench, and know when they have failed and to move on
- Learn several novel sample techniques that can streamline workflow in your lab
- Find fast analysis methods for liquids, solids and vapor-phase compounds
Hear from leaders in mass spectrometry including:
- Dr. Jack Henion, Advion Scientific Founder
- Matthew Turner, Experimental Officer in Mass Spectrometry, Department of Chemistry, Loughborough University
- Tao Yongfeng, Post Doctorate, The Romo Group, Baylor University
- Sean M. Kerwin, PhD, Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry & Biochemistry, Texas State University